Special event this Thursday
Comedy ACT are pleased to invite you to a special event. Short Fast & Funny is a show in which 20 or so local Canberra comedians will each do the …
Comedy ACT are pleased to invite you to a special event. Short Fast & Funny is a show in which 20 or so local Canberra comedians will each do the …
Tonight’s Comedy Club at The Civic Pub featuring Chris Ryan is completely sold out. There are plenty of other great gigs coming up though, so check out the What’s On …
If you missed yesterday’s monthly Gig Guide newsletter, you can check it out online here: http://us9.campaign-archive1.com/?u=36dbf77e2d7ba700dea08eec3&id=edaf9db3e6&e=d018c2ceed
We now have a mobile version of the website live for your portable device viewing pleasure. We hope it works well.
It seems that we might have rushed our new site design implementation a little, and unfortunately because the site isn’t working amazingly well on some mobile devices we have implemented …